
Primary School and High School Principal Interview Committees
We are conducting Primary School Principal interviews the morning of July 30.  Looking for parents and community members to be part of the process.  If interested, please contact Michele Rice (607-843-2025, ext. 4040 or [email protected]) by Friday, July 26.  You must be able to attend the entire morning of interviews.  The timeframe is: starting around 7:45 am through noon at the Oxford Middle School.

We are conducting High School Principal interviews the afternoon of July 30.   Looking for parents and community members to be part of the process.  If interested, please contact Michele Rice (607-843-2025, ext. 4040 or [email protected]) by Friday, July 26.  The timeframe is: starting around 1 pm through 4 pm at the Oxford Middle School.


Use of Student Images

The Oxford Academy and Central School District features photographs, videos and/or the work of our students in district and community publications on a regular basis.  Names sometimes accompany these images, especially for those students who earn special recognition (awards, certificates, honors, etc.) from the district and/or outside entities.

These images may appear in printed district publications (such as brochures, calendars, newsletters, pamphlets, yearbooks, etc.): on the district’s website (; on the district’s social media pages (Facebook and Twitter); et al.

If you object to your child’s image, name or work appearing in these formats, you must submit that objection in writing to the district Superintendent.

Title I, Parents' Right-To-Know

As required by Elementary and Secondary Education Act - ESEA

Each parent of a student attending a Title I school may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child's classroom teacher(s) and paraprofessional staff.  All parents are entitled, at a minimum, to the following:

A.  whether the teacher has met state certification criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction;

B.  whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which state certification criteria have been waived;

C.  the baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification of degree; and

D.  whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.

Parents can obtain the above mentioned information by contacting their students principal.
UPK-4th Grade - Mr. Brian Collier, 607-843-2025, ext. 3301
5th - 8th Grade - Mr. Gregory Lehr, 607-843-2025, ext. 2522
9th - 12th Grade - Ms. Dawn Hover, 607-843-2025, ext. 1128
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