Common Core Learning Standards Resources

Primary School and High School Principal Interview Committees
We are conducting Primary School Principal interviews the morning of July 30.  Looking for parents and community members to be part of the process.  If interested, please contact Michele Rice (607-843-2025, ext. 4040 or [email protected]) by Friday, July 26.  You must be able to attend the entire morning of interviews.  The timeframe is: starting around 7:45 am through noon at the Oxford Middle School.

We are conducting High School Principal interviews the afternoon of July 30.   Looking for parents and community members to be part of the process.  If interested, please contact Michele Rice (607-843-2025, ext. 4040 or [email protected]) by Friday, July 26.  The timeframe is: starting around 1 pm through 4 pm at the Oxford Middle School.

Common Core Learning Standards Resources

 The New York State P-12 Common Core Learning Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy and the New York State Common Core Learning Standards for Mathematics include all of the national Common Core State Standards, in addition to the New York-recommended additions approved by the Board of Regents on January 10, 2011. New York State also added Prekindergarten standards.
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