Grade 5 Science

Primary School and High School Principal Interview Committees
We are conducting Primary School Principal interviews the morning of July 30.  Looking for parents and community members to be part of the process.  If interested, please contact Michele Rice (607-843-2025, ext. 4040 or [email protected]) by Friday, July 26.  You must be able to attend the entire morning of interviews.  The timeframe is: starting around 7:45 am through noon at the Oxford Middle School.

We are conducting High School Principal interviews the afternoon of July 30.   Looking for parents and community members to be part of the process.  If interested, please contact Michele Rice (607-843-2025, ext. 4040 or [email protected]) by Friday, July 26.  The timeframe is: starting around 1 pm through 4 pm at the Oxford Middle School.

Grade 5 Science

Science Grade 5


By the end of fifth grade, students who are making adequate progress in science are able to:

5.1              Identify and apply the Scientific Method

=        State the question

=        Collect information

=        Form a hypothesis

=        Test the hypothesis

=        Record and study data

=        Draw a conclusion

5.2              Identify the basic function, structure, and main organs of the following human body systems:

=        Digestive system

=        Excretory system

=        Circulatory system

=        Respiratory system

=        Skeletal system

=        Muscular system

=        Understand that human body systems rely on one another.

5.3              Understand the following theories:

=        Continental Drift

=        Sea-Floor Spreading

=        Plate Tectonics

=        Understand that the Earth’s surface is constantly changing due to:

=        Rock Cycle

=        Earthquakes

=        Volcanoes

=        Weathering

=        Erosion

=        Human impact

=        Understand that minerals can be identified on the basis of the physical properties of:

=        Streak

=        Hardness

=        Color

=        Luster

=        Density

=        Reaction to acid

5.4              Understand that rocks are classified according to their method of formation, most rocks show characteristics that give clues to their formation and that the three classes of rocks are:

=        Sedimentary

=        Metamorphic

=        Igneous

5.5              Identify the basic layers of the atmosphere and understand that nearly all weather occurs in the lowest layer.

5.6              Understand that weather describes the condition of the atmosphere at a given place and time…and that climate is the average weather in a given place over a long time.

5.7              Understand the four conditions that determine weather:

=        Air temperature

=        Wind

=        Moisture in the air

=        Air pressure

5.8              Contrast the temperature, humidity, and origins of different air masses.

5.9              Understand that fronts are boundaries between air masses and identify the differences between cold and

5.10          warm fronts and their associated weather

5.11          Identify the characteristics of the four basic hazardous weather storms:

=        Thunderstorms

=        Tornadoes

=        Hurricanes

=        Blizzards

5.12          Organize and record weather data on charts, maps, and graphs

5.13          Identify and understand the characteristics of the six major land biomes

5.14          Understand how living and nonliving things interact within an ecosystem

5.15          Differentiate among the terms population, community, and ecosystem

5.16          Understand that energy flows thru ecosystems in one direction, usually from the Sun, through producers to consumers.

5.17          Understand the following plant processes:

=        Respiration

=        Photosynthesis

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