UPK-4 Art

Primary School and High School Principal Interview Committees
We are conducting Primary School Principal interviews the morning of July 30.  Looking for parents and community members to be part of the process.  If interested, please contact Michele Rice (607-843-2025, ext. 4040 or [email protected]) by Friday, July 26.  You must be able to attend the entire morning of interviews.  The timeframe is: starting around 7:45 am through noon at the Oxford Middle School.

We are conducting High School Principal interviews the afternoon of July 30.   Looking for parents and community members to be part of the process.  If interested, please contact Michele Rice (607-843-2025, ext. 4040 or [email protected]) by Friday, July 26.  The timeframe is: starting around 1 pm through 4 pm at the Oxford Middle School.

UPK-4 Art

Art Grades UPK-4


By the end of fourth grade, students who are making adequate progress in art are able to:

PK.1        Learn to perceive and begin to name visual elements such as line, colors, and shapes.

PK.2        Draw with various materials.

PK.3        Be introduced to basic skills of tearing, cutting, folding, and gluing.

PK.4        Begin to make representational figures.

PK.5        Make flat slabs, snakes and balls of clay.

PK.6        Use primary colors to paint a picture.

PK.7        Explore and choose items of various textures for artwork.

PK.8        Begin to think about the creative work of themselves and others as Art.

PK.9   Be introduced to 3-dimensional art work.

K.1            Create art based on imagination, personal interpretations of nature, familiar places and/or family and friends.

K.2            Acquire basic skills in using media for drawing and painting.

K.3            Describe what they see in a work of art and tell what they think the work is about.

K.4            Join 2 or more pieces of clay together to form an object.

K.5            Create 3- dimensional artwork from various materials.

K.6            Identify and use visual elements in their own artwork and the work of others.

K.7            Paint or draw a picture in which they depict an experience the recall.

K.8            Be introduced to a variety of artwork.

1.1              Explore new media for drawing such as charcoal and chalk.

1.2              See and discuss styles and artwork from various artists and cultures and create a work of art based on those ideas or images.

1.3              Combine items of textural contrast to create artwork.

1.4              Use creative thinking skills to problem solve.

1.5              Enrich drawings with details important to the child.

1.6              Work with others to plan and produce a group work of art.

1.7              Thread a needle and stitch through canvas.

1.8              Experiment with color mixing.

1.9              Print with simple techniques.

2.1              Draw and paint from both observation and imagination.

2.2              Learn and use meaningful art vocabulary to describe art.

2.3              Make an attempt at realism.

2.4              Begin to depict 3-dimensional space in a picture plane.

2.5              Express personal ideas, emotions, and/or interests in their drawings and painting.

2.6              Create a pinch pot.

2.7              Weave in a simple over-under pattern.

2.8              Expand knowledge of various artists and styles.

2.9              Use Internet, software, or other similar technologies to identify and write about key aspects of an artist or artistic style.

2.10          Make intentional choices of line, color, and other visual elements in their artwork.

3.1              Be exposed to different vantage points or “points of view”.

3.2              Continue to create art based on imagination, observation, and recall.

3.3              Use art vocabulary to describe, analyze, and interpret visual qualities in their own or another’s work of art, citing specific features in that artwork.

3.4              Add more visual qualities and details to drawings and paintings.

3.5              Use color mixing in paintings.

3.6              Look at the traditional art of different cultures; identify the visual characteristics; design a work based on that style, but expressing the students’ ideas.

3.7              Develop an idea for a work of art, select an appropriate medium or technique based on their experience with the media and their desire that it should look a certain way, and complete the work.

3.8              Use a draw/paint program to produce a computer generated design

4.1              Expand exposure to art from other times, places, and cultures.

4.2              Explore new media and materials for creating art.

4.3              Draw and paint with additional realism through the use of light and shadow, tints and shades, foreground and background, etc.

4.4              Research art and artifacts of other cultures and discuss how these are connected with the rituals, beliefs, or other aspects of that society.

4.5              Create art that mimics those artifacts.

4.6              Create more complex works of art with more attention to the subtle visual qualities.

4.7              Ask and answer questions about artwork concerning its design, materials used, and the ideas expressed by the artist.

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